Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Overseers of the Law
Created by Matt Parmenter
Alter Ego: Teg-Jayin
Occupation: Head of the T.E.C.ian Assassin Guild
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: T.E.C.ian Empire
Base of Operations: T.E.C.ian Empire
In his early teens, he was angered that his girl friend smiled at another boy,
so he killed him. Then, after a few days of not being found out, he
thought about what he had done and why he had murdered the boy. So, he
killed his girlfriend for making him kill the boy she smiled at. He got
away with that as well. His obnoxious personality and know-it-all attitude
kept his circle of acquaintance small and his habit of killing them if they
annoyed him guaranteed it remained that way. He made his living scamming,
cheating, and robbing once his Mother kicked him out. In a rage, he
murdered her as well, but he quickly ran through his inheritance and went back
to his old ways. Then, he made the mistake of killing a barmaid when she
told him she was carrying his child, thinking that no one else knew. When
her body was found, he became the most likely suspect and he had gotten sloppy
because it had been so easy to dispose of his victims. When he finally was
caught, he bragged about his body count and that they had no idea how many
people he had killed. In less than ten years, he claimed to have murdered
28 people, many of which hadn't been considered as foul play. The T.E.C.
High Lord Flump happened across his file and thought that this was a man with as
gift. T-J was transferred to T.E.C. custody and placed in training to the
Assassin's Guild. He excelled at every task, eventually reaching the top
spot in the Guild as T.E.C's number one assassin.
A spoiled child who grew up to be a petty, spiteful adult with no sense of
personal responsibility and precious little self-control, his only respect for
authority comes from the fact that he knows he could never run forever. Better
to join, than die. This allows him to enjoy himself and be paid to do it,
which suits him just fine.
Quote: "The poor fool never seen it coming, that's always the
funniest part"