Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Overseers of the Law
Created by Bob Justice
Alter Ego: James Barr
Occupation: Soldier / Officer
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: The Overseers of the Law
Base of Operations: Washington, DC
He was found abandoned on the steps of a bar named "Jimmy’s" and the
infant was turned over to the proper authorities. No trace of his true identity
was ever found. A quiet introvert, he was never adopted, so, at 18, he entered
the military. He had never shown much interest in school or in people. He was
smart and very willing to follow orders, seemingly happy to have structure in
his life. He was well on his way to a lifetime career until parachute training.
A one in a million fluke left him hurling from a plane with a parachute with a
broken ripcord. Instead of falling to his death, he slowed his fall and slowly
flew to the ground. He could fly, very slowly, not much more than hover, but he
could fly unaided and he discovered the ability in front of 50 soldiers and
officers. His feat was quickly hushed up and he was transferred to the same
people who worked on the Ultiman suit. They constructed a suit that supplied
propulsion to his flight and he ended up placed on active duty with the
Overseers of the Law who codenamed him "Patriot" after the missiles
from the Gulf War.
With no evidence of his origins or why he can fly, he is even tempered, but
pretty detached from normal people. He generally sits quietly waiting for a call
to action. He is fiercely loyal to the team and completing any task set before
Quote: "Awaiting orders, sir!"