Points |
Powers |
62 |
Over & Above
(2) |
+2 ED
(2) |
+2 PD
(20) |
+2 SPD
(8) |
+4 REC
(10) |
+20 END
(20) |
+20 STUN
15 |
Mental Defense (19 pts)
20 |
Power Defense (20 pts)
5 |
Flash Defense (Sight, 10 pts); Focus: Obvious Accessible, -1
10 |
Faster-Than-Light Travel (1 LY/Year)
5 |
Breathe in Unusual Environment
3 |
Life Support: High Pressure/Vacuum
3 |
Life Support: High Radiation
10 |
Need Not Breathe
3 |
Life Support: Intense Heat/Cold
100 |
Multipower (100-pt reserve)
u-10 |
20d6 Energy Blast; Range: 500; Versus: ED
10 |
u-10 |
10d6 Flash (Normal Sight); Range: 500
10 |
u-10 |
10d6 Energy Blast; Range: 500; Versus: ED; No Normal Defense: +1
10 |
u-15 |
14d6 Energy Blast; Range: 525; Versus: ED; Armor Piercing: 1, +½
10 |
u-10 |
10d6 Drain Int (Return/turn); Range: 0; Affects: Single Power, +0
10 |
40 |
Elemental Control: Body Suit (40-pt reserve)
a-40 |
Force Field (40 PD/40 ED)
8 |
b-40 |
40" Flight (NC: 80"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0
8 |
349 |
Total Powers |
100+ |
Disadvantages |
10 |
Reputation: (11-)
10 |
Public Identity
10 |
Distinctive Features: Beautiful; Concealability: Concealable, 10; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0
10 |
Distinctive Features: Sultry voice; Concealability: Concealable, 10; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0
25 |
Hunted by the Union of Peace (14-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
20 |
Hunted by Justice (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 |
Hunted by The Protectors (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 |
Vulnerability: Water based (2× STUN); Attack: Uncommon, +5
15 |
Always Obeys Orders of Shatter (Very Common, Moderate)
10 |
Psych. Lim.: Naive in the ways of the world (Common, Moderate)
15 |
Enraged when made fun of (11-, 14-); Circumstances: Uncommon, +5
258 |
Villain Bonus
408 |
Total Disadvantages |