Keeper of Infinite Earths  - The Overseers of the Law

Created by Matt Parmenter


Alter Ego:
Occupation: Emperor of the T.E.C.ian Empire
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: T.E.C.ian Empire
Base of Operations: T.E.C.ian Empire

The T.E.C.ian Empire is a conglomerate of planets many light years away from our galaxy founded many centuries ago. The Emperor is the most powerful being in the empire and must maintain his throne by defeating any challengers through a strict set of procedures. They have a very elitist attitude that the rest of the sentient creatures in the universe are unwashed barbarians in need of enlightenment by the rightful rulers of all. The current emperor was the finest example of a warrior and a statesman and the most charismatic leader that they had ever known. He was virtually unchallenged for years, but he grew older and that put his throne at risk. So, his scientists proposed transforming him into pure energy, allowing him to transcend his aging physical form and remain ruler of the Empire perhaps forever. The procedure was a success and the scientists destroyed all the records and equipment used to make certain the process could not be repeated. Once they were confident that T.E.C. was stable in his new form, they committed suicide to protect their liege. The selection system then became when his current host body began to burn out, the finest warriors would battle to determine the best of the best and the winner would receive the honor of being the new host body of Emperor T.E.C. sacrificing his own consciousness in the bargain.

The Emperor’s sole goal is to expand his empire to include everything, each planet, every being in all of existence united under the banner of T.E.C. for eternity at any cost.

Quote: "It is an honor for you to die at my hands."

Champions Character Sheet