Keeper of Infinite Earths  - The Overseers of the Law

Created by Matt Parmenter


General Reaman
Alter Ego:
General Quadnau Reaman
Occupation: Head of the T.E.C.ian Military
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: T.E.C.ian Empire
Base of Operations: T.E.C.ian Empire

As long as there are records, the Reaman family served the Emperors of T.E.C. and each first born would be trained to continue that tradition.  Quadnau followed his father as head of the Empire's armies and will obey T.E.C.'s every command until he dies and his son will take his place.  A military tactical genius with a talent for reading people, he serves as the Emperor's advisor and good right hand.

His whole life was and is to serve T.E.C. and honor his family in so doing.  He is an honorable man at heart, but will do whatever is necessary to further the cause of the Empire.

Quote: "The T.E.C.ian Empire is my home and family"

Champions Character Sheet