Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Alliance

Created by  Bob Justice

Alter Ego:
Ted Cross
Occupation: Super Villain
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: the Alliance
Base of Operations: Mobile

Ted developed an odd problem in his early teens.  He dreamed he was drowning or being suffocated and he apparently started sleepwalking as well.  He would wake up and things in his room would be knocked over and such.  His parents got help from a hypnotist who put Ted under and had him revisit his sleep.  Suddenly, strange black wire-like tendrils shot out of his fingers like Silly String.  The hypnotist quickly told him to wake up and the substance disappeared.  The hypnotist, who went by the name of Dr. Carter, was a hypnotist, but was not an accredited therapist.  He was a thief and was very curious about the teen's strange ability.  He took Ted under his wing and taught him mental disciplines than helped him gain conscious control of his power.  He also taught him how to use that power to steal.  Eventually, Carter got caught in his hypnosis scam and Ted, who was nicknamed Tangle, was on his own.  He became a mercenary, working for various criminals, and eventually the Alliance.  He became a specialist in entangling and delaying pursuit.  He can generate some serious physical strength by projecting his coils, but generally he tries to keep that ability quiet.

His motivation is simple.  He has no desire to earn a living honestly.  He has very simple needs and very little ego.  He's simply wants to get the job done as easily as possible, avoiding as much violence as possible

Champions Character Sheet