Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Alliance
Created by Bob Justice
Alter Ego: Edward Jason
Occupation: Super Villain
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: the Alliance
Base of Operations: Mobile
Duplicator was hired to create duplicates of the Freedom Brigade for use in a
scheme to discredit the team. The real Freedom Brigade easily foiled the plot
and the defeated doubles were remanded to Stronghold for disposal. The standard
practice was to simply lock the duplicates in a simple cell until they dissolved
since Duplicator's duplicates generally didn't last long. The duplicate Silver
Streak, however, did not. Due to the combination of his mutant super speed
abilities and his regeneration ability, this duplicate survived. His continued
health was based on long periods of inactivity to allow his regeneration to
overcome the deterioration. This made him a bit unbalanced as the worst thing
you can force a super speedster to do is stay still. He escaped Stronghold and
set about doing petty crimes before he heard about Prof. Moriarty. He sought
her out for help with his condition. In return for her attempting to find a
cure, he acts as one of her operatives. The strain on his system has aged him
prematurely, so that he no longer looks like Silver Streak facially.
Basically a nice guy having the traits of Silver Streak, his psyche is slightly
warped due to the long periods of inactivity and being able to dwell on his
peculiar existence. Still unwilling to kill and having a pretty standard set of
morals, he has no problem compensating for the unfairness he sees in his being
sentient, but not exactly alive and certainly not being unique by doing whatever
is necessary to get by. His rivalry with any other speedsters, however, is
growing, perhaps to psychotic levels. Interestingly enough, to date, he has
been content to run fast and has explored the range of his abilities very
little. Whether he can duplicate the more specialized abilities of the original
is unknown.