Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Alliance
Created by Bob Justice
Professor Moriarty
Alter Ego: Unknown
Occupation: Super Villain
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: the Alliance
Base of Operations: Mobile
Little is known of the history of the woman known only as Professor Moriarty.
Rumors in the underworld abound ranging from her being a former assistant of Dr.
Schmit to an alien scientist. She has evaded capture for over 30 years and, in
some circles, is regarded as little more than a sort of urban legend. She does
exist and has invented or improved upon numerous weaponry for various villains
in exchange for cash and favors. Her loosely knit group’s referred to as ‘the
Alliance’ and a number of villains who owe her have served in it.
Her motivation appears to be a passion for inventing weapons coupled with a high
disregard for laws. Preferring to work illegally for unknown reasons, the only
other known trait is her obsessive desire for anonymity. The devices that have
been impounded leave no clues as to her identity and, more often than not,
self-destruct when tampered with. No one has ever learned her true
identity...or, at least, no one has lived to tell it.