Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Alliance
Created by Bob Justice
Alter Ego: Jaimie Mullen
Occupation: Super Villian
Known Relatives: None living
Group Affiliation: the Alliance
Base of Operations: Mobile
Mullen was a skinny, pale, thin child who was babied. He became scared of
practically everything that could hurt him and took virtually no chances. He was
constantly running from fights because of his lies and smart mouth. Fortunately,
he could usually talk his way out of trouble. He did start working out and
preparing himself to go to college when he discovered his mutant power. He was
dating three girls at the same time and thought he was being slick. The girls
found out and one of them was friendly with some really bad boys. One day,
Mullen was confronted by a masked boy in black with a gun. Before he could
react, the boy fired! Suddenly, a yellowish, transparent wall appeared in front
of Mullen and the bullet bounced off. It struck the shooter in the face and
Mullen ran away. He took to the streets, too afraid to go home. He slowly
mastered his mutant ability to create force fields and walls to a point where he
could create battering rams or even lift objects. Too cowardly to think big
time, he usually commits relatively petty crimes to get by or works as a
He lies about everything and is afraid of getting hurt to a point that without
his powers, he’d probably never leave home. His sole motivation in life is to
get by doing as little effort and taking as little risk as possible. His total
lack of moral fiber demands that he be as shady as possible, even if it’s not
necessary which puts a strain on any relationships and his reputation is well
known in both heroic and villianous circles.