Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Alliance

Created by  Bob Justice

Alter Ego:
Emily Kole
Occupation: Super Villain
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: the Alliance
Base of Operations: Mobile

Emily was a social chameleon able to blend in and work in virtually any clique. She paid close attention to everyone around her to carefully catalogue any information that would be useful. She discovered that she had a knack for seeing different applications for inventions, even though she was not terribly creative on her own. Having virtually bluffed her way into a position at Starr Industries, she got involved in a medical laser project involving a very controlled, limited range beam. The lead scientist was inspired by the idea of light sabers. Emily saw a potential for a powerful weapon and modified the design into a battlesuit. She stole it from the lab, destroyed the plans, and spent months dodging thugs hired by her former employer. Her suit worked, but somewhat erratically. Professor Moriarty tracked her down to discover her secrets and they became partners of a sort. Moriarty would run inventions by her and she would come up with new applications. Together, they rebuilt the suit and upgraded it substantially including a strength boosting exoskeleton for instances where her energy whip was not useful. She works for the Professor as a direct agent and, only rarely, does she act on her own or for hire.

Her main goal was to find an easy way to live as opulently as possible, initially by finding a rich man to take care of her. She stole the suit to sell it back, not to become a supervillain, but her job with the Alliance fills her goal quite nicely and she is content just having to get her hands dirty once in a while.

Champions Character Sheet